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Tadalista 5 Mg


Active Ingredient Tadalafil
Manufacturer Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Tadalafil 5mg
Delivery Time 6 to 15 Days
SKU Tadalista 5mg

Available Options

90 Pills$55.00
120 Pills$69.00
150 Pills$80.00
300 Pills$142.00


About Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil)

If your spouse is not communicating with you and your marriage seems to be deteriorating or becoming monotonous, despite having luxurious possessions, Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil) may be the ideal solution to reignite the passion in your relationship.

It is a common error we commit, assuming that materialistic pleasures are all that a woman requires. While material possessions do enhance convenience and comfort in life, there is more to life than just that. Women also have sexual needs that are frequently disregarded by men.

She entered into matrimony with you with the hope that you would assist her in achieving orgasm by fulfilling her desires. However, you are incapable of doing so for reasons that will be addressed in the subsequent sections of this article.

Which USA brand is equivalent to Tadalista 5 Mg Tablets (Tadalafil)?

Individuals residing in the United States need not be concerned, as Erectile Dysfunction is a global issue that transcends borders and nations. Therefore, just as the problem exists universally, so too does the solution.

In the United States, Tadalafil Tablets are available for sale, which are identical to Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil). The generic name remains unchanged, with the only variation being the brand name


Fortune Healthcare, a leading pharmaceutical company in India, produces Tadalista 5 Mg. The product is highly sought after, with double the quantity being exported compared to its domestic consumption.


Tadalista is available in various strengths, including 5 Mg, 10 Mg, 20 Mg, and 40 Mg. It is important to follow the doctor’s prescription and consume the recommended strength.

Dosage Form

It is equally important to ensure the correct number of dosages as it is to consider their strength. Typically, the prescribed dose is determined based on the patient’s medical condition.

What are the uses of the Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil)?

Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil) is primarily utilized to facilitate penile erection, enabling individuals to fully satisfy their partners. By addressing the root cause, it effectively treats Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

How to take Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil)?

Consume the pill by swallowing it with a single glass of regular water at room temperature.
Refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, or indulging in any addictive substances prior to taking the medication.
Engaging in such activities will diminish the drug’s potency, rendering it ineffective.
Ingest the pill without chewing or breaking it into fragments.

How much of the Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil) to be used?

It is imperative to adhere to the rule of consuming one pill per day without any exceptions.
The dosage we take contains 100% of the active ingredient in the medication. Consequently, the primary component forms the complete composition of the tablet.

How long should you continue to use Tadlista 5 mg (Tedalafil)?

It is important to adhere to the prescribed duration for taking Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil) as indicated in the prescription. Any adjustments to the duration should be made solely by the doctor.

How does Tadalista 5 Mg work?

The mechanism of action for Tadalista 5 Mg is quite straightforward and easily comprehensible. The key factor in achieving an erection is the influx of blood during sexual stimulation. The penis remains erect as long as the blood remains within its blood vessels. However, in cases of Erectile Dysfunction caused by factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, injuries, or other reasons, the blood supply is compromised. This results in insufficient blood flow to the penis during stimulation, leading to the inability to achieve an erection.

Tadalista 5 Mg works by relaxing the muscles in the penile region, including the erectile tissues. This creates an environment where blood can freely flow into the penis. Consequently, when a person is sexually aroused, their penis receives an ample supply of blood, resulting in a firm erection.

Furthermore, Tadalista 5 Mg inhibits the action of PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5), which is responsible for the loss of erection after sexual activity. By suppressing PDE5, the blood remains within the blood vessels, sustaining the erection for a longer duration.

Other Dosage

Tadalista 5mg
Tadalista 10mg
Tadalista 20mg
Tadalista 40mg
Tadalista 60mg
Tadalista Professional 20mg
Tadalista CT 20mg
Tadalista Super Active 20mg

What are the side effects of the Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil) Tablets?


People who have experienced an overdose must be prepared to confront the repercussions of their actions. Several potential side effects may arise, including fainting, shortness of breath, elevated blood pressure, hypertension, accelerated heartbeat, and profuse sweating, among others.

Missed Dose

Failing to take a dose reflects the patient’s lack of responsibility towards their health. If a dose is missed, it should be skipped for that day. The next tablet should be taken on the following day as indicated in the prescription.

What are the common drug interactions?

Salts of sulfates

Warning and Precaution

Prior to taking Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil), it is essential to confirm that you do not have any allergies to the primary component of the medication, Tadalafil. It is crucial to eliminate any addictions you may have before starting the treatment.

What should you avoid while taking Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil)?

Refrain from the consumption of narcotic substances, including the use of recreational drugs such as heroin, LSD, brown sugar, and others. It is important to complete the course of any other medication before commencing the intake of Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil).

When you have to avoid Tadalista 5 Mg (Tadalafil)?

If you have experienced a prior heart attack or cardiac complications
if you are above the age of 50
if you are a patient with osteoporosis, please take note.

Inform your doctor if you experience any adverse reactions from the medication. It is crucial to report any side effects, regardless of their severity, to your doctor promptly.

A lack of erection for a few days does not necessarily indicate that you have erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to monitor the situation for a few weeks or even a month to accurately assess the condition.


The optimal storage condition for Tadalista 5 Mg requires a temperature within the range of 15oC to 35oC. To ensure its safety and quality, it is essential to store it in a clean, dark, and dry environment.




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90 Pills, 120 Pills, 150 Pills, 300 Pills


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