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Pirfenex 200mg (Pirfenidone 200mg)

Pirfenex Tablet is a prescription drug indicated for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It functions by decreasing scarring and inflammation in the lungs, leading to improved breathing.

For best outcomes, Pirfenex Tablet should be ingested alongside a meal. To fully reap its advantages, ensure to take it consistently at the designated time each day. The quantity and frequency of administration will be determined by the specific condition being treated. Your doctor will establish the suitable dosage needed to address your symptoms effectively. It is essential to follow the recommended duration of treatment as instructed by your healthcare professional.

Common side effects of this medication include insomnia, headaches, dizziness, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and sensitivity to light. To manage dizziness, avoid driving or participating in activities that require focus. Weight loss and other side effects may be observed in some individuals. It is recommended to monitor your weight regularly or seek advice from a doctor in such instances. Furthermore, your doctor may conduct a liver function test while you are undergoing treatment with this medication.

Before starting this medication, make sure to disclose any liver or kidney conditions to your doctor. Additionally, inform your healthcare provider about all other medications you are using, as some may reduce the effectiveness of this medication or modify its effects. This medication can heighten your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, therefore, take precautions by wearing protective clothing or applying sunscreen when outdoors. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor.


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is treated using a range of therapeutic interventions.


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a pulmonary disease characterized by the thickening and stiffening of lung tissue, resulting in the formation of scar tissue within the lungs. This scarring, also known as fibrosis, is thought to be a consequence of a repetitive cycle of lung damage and subsequent healing. Unfortunately, these changes are irreversible, and individuals affected by this condition may initially experience symptoms such as shortness of breath or a dry cough. However, Pirfenex Tablet can help mitigate the scarring and fibrosis, thereby facilitating easier breathing. It is important to be aware that there may be some bothersome side effects associated with this medication. If you have any doubts or questions, it is recommended to discuss them with your doctor.


The majority of side effects usually do not need medical attention and will go away as your body adjusts to the medication. If the side effects continue or if you are worried about them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Common side effects of Pirfenex

  • Insomnia: A relentless struggle to find solace in sleep, as the night stretches on endlessly, with each passing moment feeling like an eternity of restlessness.
  • Headache: A relentless throb pulsating through the mind, pounding against the skull with unyielding force, shrouding thoughts in a fog of discomfort.
  • Dizziness: Vertigo grips the senses, the world spinning and swaying with every movement, leaving one teetering on the brink of instability with each step taken.
  • Tiredness: Weariness seeps into every fiber of being, dragging limbs like leaden weights, as even the simplest tasks become Herculean feats of endurance.
  • Sinus Inflammation: Each breath feels like inhaling fire, the sinuses ablaze with inflammation, turning even the act of breathing into a painful endeavor.
  • Loss of Appetite: Hunger pangs replaced by a gnawing emptiness, as food loses its appeal and the thought of eating becomes a nauseating prospect.
  • Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: A suffocating grip tightens around the chest, each breath a battle against congestion, with coughs echoing through the body like thunder.
  • Weight Loss: The body wastes away, shedding pounds like autumn leaves, leaving behind a hollow shell of its former self.
  • Nausea: Waves of queasiness roll through the stomach, threatening to spill their contents with every movement, a constant reminder of internal turmoil.
  • Indigestion: The gut churns and rebels against sustenance, every bite a gamble with discomfort, as digestive distress becomes an unwelcome companion.
  • Diarrhea: A relentless torrent rushes through the bowels, leaving one chained to the porcelain throne, drained and depleted with each expulsion.
  • Photosensitivity: Sunlight becomes a tormentor, piercing through the eyes like daggers, as even the faintest glimmer of light becomes an unbearable assault on the senses.


To use Pirfenex Tablet, follow your doctor’s instructions regarding dosage and duration precisely. Swallow the tablet whole; do not chew, crush, or break it. It’s recommended to take Pirfenex Tablet with food.


Pirfenex Tablet functions as an antifibrotic drug that operates by inhibiting the activity of a specific natural substance within the body responsible for fibrosis development. Consequently, it diminishes scarring and inflammation in the lungs, facilitating improved breathing.


  • Alcohol: It’s uncertain whether consuming alcohol is safe while taking Pirfenex Tablet. Consulting your doctor for guidance on alcohol consumption is recommended.
  • Pregnancy: Pirfenex Tablet may pose risks during pregnancy, based on animal studies. Your doctor will assess the benefits and risks before prescribing it during pregnancy. Seeking medical advice is crucial if you’re pregnant.
  • Breastfeeding: Insufficient information exists on the safety of Pirfenex Tablet during breastfeeding. Consulting your doctor before taking this medication while breastfeeding is advisable.
  • Driving: Pirfenex Tablet can impair driving ability by causing drowsiness, affecting vision, or inducing dizziness. Refraining from driving when experiencing these symptoms is important for safety.
  • Kidney: Caution is warranted for patients with kidney disease when using Pirfenex Tablet. Dosage adjustments may be necessary, and severe kidney disease and dialysis patients should avoid this medication.
  • Liver: Similarly, caution is advised for patients with liver disease when taking Pirfenex Tablet. Dosage adjustments might be required, and it’s not recommended for those with severe liver disease.

Quick tips

  • Lung Improvement: Pirfenex Tablet is effective in reducing scarring and swelling in the lungs, thereby enhancing breathing capacity.
  • Dosage and Timing: It is advisable to take this medication consistently with food and at the same time daily for optimal results.
  • Sun Sensitivity: Pirfenex Tablet may increase sensitivity to sunlight. Protect yourself by using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing when spending time outdoors.
  • Smoking Cessation: It’s essential to refrain from smoking while undergoing treatment with Pirfenex Tablet, as smoking can diminish the effectiveness of the medication.
  • Drowsiness Warning: This medication may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Avoid driving or engaging in activities that require concentration until you understand its effects on you.
  • Weight Monitoring: Be vigilant in monitoring your weight regularly while on Pirfenex Tablet, as it may cause weight loss.
  • Liver Function: Your doctor may conduct regular liver function tests. Inform them immediately if you experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, darkened urine, or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).