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Budecort Respules 0.5 Mg (Budesonide)


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Available Options

30 Respule/s$24.00
60 Respule/s$47.00
90 Respule/s$68.00


Budecort 0.5 MG Description

Budecort 0.5mg respules is a medication used to treat asthma. It helps control symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest pain by using budesonide, a steroid. This medicine should be taken as prescribed by your doctor and always with the help of a nebulizer.

Nebulizers are machines that turn medicine into a mist for easy lung delivery. Other medications with budesonide as the active ingredient include Budure 0.5 respule, Budate 0.5 transpule, Bunase 0.5 respule, and Derinide 0.5 respule.

If you are allergic to any components of Budecort respules, do not take this medication. Before starting treatment, inform your doctor about your pregnancy, plans for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and medical history. Also, make sure to disclose all other medications and supplements you are currently taking.

Uses of Budecort 0.5 MG

Budecort 0.5 mg respules are indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma. Additionally, they are prescribed for the management of croup, a condition characterized by breathing difficulties in infants and children aged 12 months to 8 years.

Contraindications of Budecort 0.5 MG

  • If you have a known allergy to budesonide or any components found in Budecort respules
  • if you are allergic to milk proteins
  • it is advised to avoid using this medication for the treatment of Status asthmaticus, a critical condition of asthma that demands immediate medical intervention.

Side Effects

  • Cough
  • Throat irritation
  • Change of taste

Precautions and Warnings of Budecort 0.5 MG


It is important to consult a doctor before using Budecort respules during pregnancy, as there is limited information available on its safety. Ensuring proper asthma treatment is essential for the well-being of both the mother and the fetus.

Breast Feeding

Budesonide enters the breastmilk in minimal quantities, therefore Budecort respules should only be used during breastfeeding under the guidance of a doctor.


The utilization of Budecort respules has no impact on your driving capability.


There is no data regarding the potential interactions between Budecort respules and alcohol. It is important to note that alcohol has been known to occasionally trigger asthma symptoms. Therefore, caution should be exercised, particularly when consuming wine.

Other General Warnings
Talk to your doctor if
  • You have or had a serious infection that primarily affects the lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis).
  • You have trouble breathing or a severe asthma issue.
  • You have liver disease, which could result in elevated levels of budesonide in your bloodstream.
  • These patients should undergo regular check-ups.
  • You have allergic reactions, such as hives, an itching sensation, or swelling.
  • If you experience any changes in your vision, your doctor might refer you to an ophthalmologist to assess potential causes, including cataracts and high intraocular pressure (glaucoma).
  • You develop an oral fungal infection and an increase in wheezing.

Directions for Use of Budecort 0.5 MG

Adhere to the instructions given by your physician when using Budecort respules. The nebulizer instructions can be found in the leaflet provided. Transfer the solution from the respule into the nebulizer, allow it to form a fine mist, and proceed to inhale using a face mask or mouthpiece.

It is important to continue taking Budecort as prescribed by your doctor, even if you start to notice improvements after a few doses. Remember to rinse your mouth after each use to prevent fungal infections, wash your face to avoid irritation, and follow the instructions for cleaning the nebulizer after each use.

Storage and disposal of Budecort 0.5 MG
  • Please store Budecort respules in their original packaging, ensuring they are kept away from light and moisture.
  • Remember to keep the device tightly closed to prevent exposure to moisture.
  • Always store it out of reach of children and pets.
Rapid Suggestions for Budecort 0.5 MG

Budecort 0.5 mg respules is a corticosteroid prescribed for preventive treatment. It is not intended for immediate relief during an asthma attack, so it is important to have a fast-acting reliever available at all times.

This medication may affect the growth of children. The doctor may need to reassess the dosage and ensure that no additional doses are given to your children.

Budecort can also suppress the function of the adrenal glands and cause specific physiological changes that may not be noticeable. It is important to have a discussion with your doctor about these potential effects.

To help prevent asthma attacks, it is recommended to take the medication at the same time every day. Additionally, gargling warm water after each inhalation can help prevent fungal infections in the mouth and throat. It is important to never exhale through the mouthpiece.

Budecort 0.5 MG dosage


There is a low risk of overdose. Only use the button to inhale when necessary. In case of oral infection or any negative reactions, seek medical advice promptly.

Missed a Dose
  • In case you forget to take a dose of Budecort respules, take it as soon as you recall.
  • If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed one and stick to your usual dosing schedule.
  • Avoid taking an extra dose to make up for the missed one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What steps should be taken if a child accidentally ingests Budecort respules?

If accidentally ingested, it is crucial to promptly seek medical assistance. It is important to ensure that Budecort respules are stored out of children’s reach and to adhere to correct storage and disposal instructions.

What should I do if I experience persistent side effects with Budecort respules?

In case you experience prolonged or intense side effects, such as chest pain, migraines, or fungal infections, get in touch with your healthcare provider immediately. They will be able to assess your situation and modify your treatment as needed.

Can Budecort respules be used during a respiratory infection?

It is important to notify your physician of any respiratory infections or other medical conditions prior to using Budecort respules. Your physician will evaluate the situation to determine if it is appropriate to proceed with the treatment or if modifications to the treatment regimen are required.

Can Budecort respules be used for the treatment of acute asthma attacks?

Budecort respules are intended for maintenance therapy to prevent asthma symptoms, not for sudden or acute asthma attacks. In case of an acute attack, it is recommended to use a rescue inhaler or seek emergency treatment.

How long should I wait between consecutive doses of Budecort respules?

Your doctor will determine the frequency of Budecort respules doses. It is essential to adhere to the recommended dosing schedule.

How long does Budecort take to work?

Budecort typically begins to take effect within 15-20 minutes of being administered. Nevertheless, the full potential of this medication may only become apparent after several days or weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to use this medication consistently for the duration prescribed by a healthcare professional in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. It is important to continue taking it even if you are not experiencing any symptoms.

Does Budecort respules contain steroids?

Yes, Budecort respules contains budesonide, which is a steroid medicine.

Can we use Budecort daily?

It is important to adhere to the recommended duration when using Budecort. Always follow your doctor’s prescription and only use it for the specified period of time. Avoid exceeding the prescribed dosage.

What is the composition of Budecort respules?

Budecort respules is formulated with budesonide as its active ingredient, functioning as a steroid with anti-asthmatic properties.

Can I stop taking Budecort respules on my own?

It is important to complete the prescribed duration of treatment without interruption. In case there is no improvement in symptoms, it is advisable to consult the doctor before discontinuing the treatment abruptly.

Can I take antacid medicine with budecort respules?

It is recommended to refrain from consuming antacids while using Budecort respules in order to prevent drug interactions. It is advisable to wait for a minimum of 1-2 hours before taking any other medication along with Budecort. Hence, consulting a physician before combining Budecort with any other medicine is highly recommended.

Additional information


30 Respule/s, 60 Respule/s, 90 Respule/s


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