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Fildena Extra Power 150mg


Active Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate
Manufacturer Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 150 Mg
Delivery Time 6 to 15 Days
SKU Fildena Extra-150mg
SKU: N/A Categories: ,

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90 Pills$85.00
120 Pills$105.00
150 Pills$140.00
300 Pills$200.00


What is Fildena Extra Power150 Mg ?

The active ingredient found in Fildena 150 Mg tablet, known as Sildenafil citrate, is effective in treating erectile dysfunction and improving sexual performance in men.

Fildena Extra Power 150 mg contains a PDE5 inhibitor that enhances blood flow to the penis, resulting in longer-lasting erections. Approved by the FDA, this medication is designed to address sexual disorders such as ED.

Moreover, Sildenafil citrate is also beneficial in treating Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), leading to improved performance in both males and females. Due to its effectiveness in treating PAH, it is prescribed for use by both genders.

It is important to note that Fildena 150mg should not be administered to individuals under the age of 18.

Use of Fildena 150mg Tablet

According to the latest report, there has been a significant rise in sexual disorders among men. Previously, these issues were predominantly observed in older men, but now they are prevalent across all age groups.

This increase in sexual disorders could be attributed to factors such as work-related stress, pressure, and alcohol consumption. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may experience difficulties in their sexual relationships.
However, with the use of Fildena 150mg, these concerns can be alleviated. This medication works wonders by not only treating sexual disorders in men but also addressing pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). PAH is a condition characterized by elevated blood pressure in the lungs.

In such cases, the heart must pump at a higher rate to ensure proper blood circulation throughout the body.

How to use Fildena Extra Power 150 mg?

This medication is designed to assist individuals in achieving a stronger erection, thereby promoting a healthy relationship with their partner. Its effects typically begin within 30 to 40 minutes after consumption.

For optimal results, it is recommended to take the medication approximately one hour before engaging in sexual activity.

Fildena 150 is available in tablet form and should be taken with plain water. It is important not to break or crush the tablets before consumption.

Furthermore, it is advised to avoid consuming alcohol or citrus fruit juice while taking these pills, as they may diminish the effectiveness of the medication. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water while undergoing this treatment.

These pills can be taken before breakfast, lunch, or dinner, as per the doctor’s instructions. However, if taken before a meal, it is advisable to consume low-fat food. Consuming high-calorie and fatty foods may reduce the medication’s efficacy.

Dosage of Fildena 150

It is advised to follow your doctor’s prescription when taking Fildena extra power tablet.
Doctors typically recommend taking one Fildena 150mg pill per day with a glass of water.
Do not crush or break the tablet before consumption. Some individuals may opt to take half a tablet, but it is recommended to take the full pill for optimal results.
Remember to limit intake to one tablet within a 24-hour period. Fildena can be taken on an empty stomach, but those who prefer taking it after a meal should opt for a low-calorie option to avoid delaying the medicine’s effects.
It is important to refrain from consuming alcohol or citrus juice while undergoing treatment for erectile dysfunction.
If there are no plans for sexual activity, a dose can be skipped. For further information, consult your physician to avoid the risk of overdosing, which can be fatal.

Missed Dose

In the event of missing a dose of Fildena 150mg, ensure to take it prior to the next sexual activity within 30 minutes.
If dealing with pulmonary Artery Hypertension, take the missed dose as soon as you recollect.
Avoid consuming two doses simultaneously, as this may result in overdosing and potentially fatal consequences.


Have you wondered what will happen if you take an overdose of Fildena 150 mg?

Men occasionally neglect to take their medication promptly, resulting in the tendency to consume two doses simultaneously. However, consuming an excessive amount of Fildena 150mg can have severe consequences, including heart failure and potentially even death.

Furthermore, your body may also react adversely to asthma and high blood pressure. Overdosing can also be triggered by a stroke or heart attack, which are commonly observed causes.

How does Fildena 150mg work?

The Fildena 150 mg tablet contains a PDE5 inhibitor that effectively increases the blood flow to the blood vessels in the penis.

By regulating the blood flow in the penis, it ensures a prolonged and firm erection during sexual activity.

Additionally, the sildenafil citrate present in Fildena 150 relaxes the muscles around the pelvic organs, enhancing sexual desire during intercourse.

Furthermore, Fildena 150 is also prescribed for the treatment of Pulmonary Artery Hypertension, as it aids in reducing the blood flow in the lungs.

Side effects Of Fildena 150 Extra Power

Each allopathic medication is accompanied by potential side effects. The efficacy of Fildena 150 mg is contingent upon an individual’s overall health condition.

In the event that a person exhibits allergies towards the components of the pills, the resulting effects will be significantly more pronounced. However, if one experiences only minor side effects, they will gradually dissipate with time.

Common Side Effects:

Some of the minor side effects of Fildena 150 mg are:

  • Headache and dizziness
  • You may feel a stuffy nose
  • Pain in muscle and back
  • The problem in vision like blurred vision or color blindness.
  • Heartburn sensation
  • Upset stomach or diarrhea
  • Tingly filling

This list is not exhaustive. You may experience additional minor side effects. If symptoms persist for an extended period, please seek medical advice promptly.

Serious Side Effects:

If you experience any adverse reactions to Fildena 150 mg, it is important to seek medical assistance.
These side effects may include difficulty breathing and swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue.
It is recommended to discontinue the use of Fildena 150 if you encounter any of these symptoms.

Signs of a heart attack such as chest discomfort, pain radiating to the shoulder, and sweating could be developing.
You might experience temporary vision loss, which could potentially become permanent in certain instances.
There is a possibility of some individuals experiencing an unwelcome erectile dysfunction. An extended erection lasting more than four hours can lead to damage to the penis.
Temporary hearing impairment
Shortness of breath may result from an irregular heartbeat, sudden swelling in the ankles, feet, or hands.
You may also feel faint.
An abrupt disruption of the communication between nerve cells in the brain.


To ensure optimal outcomes, it is imperative to adhere to specific precautions while undergoing any medication. Fildena Extra Power is a pharmaceutical solution designed to address the sexual disorder known as ED.

Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to your prescription when taking it.

Certain individuals are experiencing serious illnesses affecting organs like the liver, eyes, heart, and kidneys. In such instances, physicians do not recommend the use of Fildena 150 due to potential health risks.
Patients who have suffered a heart attack within the last six months should also refrain from taking Fildena 150 mg tablets.
Additionally, individuals planning to undergo heart surgery are advised against its consumption. If men are currently taking ED medication other than Fildena 150mg, they should discontinue the previous medication before starting Fildena 150mg.
Prior to using Fildena Extra Power 150mg, it is essential to confirm that you are not allergic to Sildenafil Citrate. It is advisable to avoid tasks requiring concentration after taking Fildena 150 mg, as it may cause dizziness.


Fildena 150 mg can result in persistent erectile dysfunction. Should you experience an erection lasting longer than four hours, it is imperative to seek medical attention from your nearest physician without delay.
It is recommended for person consuming this product after a meal to opt for low-calorie food choices. It is advised to refrain from consuming alcohol or any citrus foods while on this medication.
Taking Fildena 150mg may result in temporary loss of hearing and vision in both ears and eyes. This adverse effect can be quite severe and significant. It is crucial to discontinue the medication and promptly consult your physician.

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How long does sildenafil citrate stay in the body?

Doctors typically recommend taking Fildena 150 mg before having lunch or dinner. Individuals who opt to consume this medication post-meal should steer clear of high-calorie foods. Ingesting high-calorie meals may result in a prolonged digestion process in the stomach.
Moreover, the ingestion of medication can delay the digestion process in the stomach, resulting in an extended duration of Fildena 150mg in the system and potentially causing negative effects. Therefore, medical experts suggest opting for low-calorie meals. It is also recommended to avoid alcohol and citrus foods when using this medication, as they may interact with the components of the pills and lead to side effects.

Can you take Fildena 150mg every day?

Consume Fildena 150 mg to enhance your sexual experience with your partner. It is safe to take daily, but do not exceed one pill within a 24-hour period to avoid potential harm to your body. Taking more than one dose a day can pose risks to your health. If Fildena 150 is prescribed by your doctor for PAH, ensure you take it daily without skipping any doses to prevent increased stress and anxiety.

Can I take my medicine after a meal?

You have the option to consume medication after your lunch, dinner, or breakfast. Additionally, you may choose to swallow pills after your meal. Nevertheless, physicians typically recommend taking these pills prior to meals. However, if you prefer to take them after your meals, it is advisable to consume low-calorie food. This will aid in the digestion of both the food and medication by the stomach.

Is Fildena 150 mg is safe?

Fildena 150mg has been approved by the FDA. It is formulated with completely natural ingredients that have proven to be highly efficient in treating sexual disorders such as ED. It is important to keep this tablet away from direct heat or moisture. It can be safely stored at room temperature. It is crucial to avoid overdosing on this medication as it can have negative effects on your health.

Does the product help you last longer?

Taking Fildena Extra Power 150 mg enables you to prolong your sexual intercourse. These tablets enhance your sexual pleasure by providing a sustained erection. To fully enjoy your sexual experience, it is recommended to take the medication one hour prior. You will begin to notice its effectiveness within just 30 minutes.

The duration of an erection can range from 4 to 6 hours, with some individuals experiencing prolonged erections beyond the typical timeframe. The duration of erectile dysfunction may differ among individuals.

How quickly does Fildena 150mg work?

It is recommended to take Fildena 150 mg approximately one hour prior to engaging in sexual activity. Typically, the medication takes around 30 to 40 minutes to take effect on the penis.

Does Fildena Extra Power 150 mg work?

yes, Numerous customers have expressed satisfaction with Fildena 150mg pills. To optimize outcomes, adhere closely to all provided instructions and consume as directed. This regimen will contribute to a seamless and pleasurable sexual experience.


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